What to Do When Your A/C Breaks Down in South Florida

Understanding the Importance of a Functioning A/C in South Florida

For many people living in South Florida, having a functioning A/C system isn’t just about living comfortably—it’s about living safely as well. Due to South Florida's extreme temperatures, often soaring well into the upper 90s and 100s, it's vital to have functioning AC, especially during the summer months.

Immediate Steps to Take When Your A/C Breaks Down

1. Check the Thermostat: Before calling for service, it might seem obvious, but double-check your thermostat settings. Ensure it's set to "cool" and at a desired temperature lower than the current room temperature.
Look for any error codes displayed on the thermostat. These codes can sometimes provide clues about the issue.

2. Inspect the Air Filter: A clogged air filter can restrict airflow and reduce cooling efficiency. Check your air filter and replace it if dirty (ideally, every 1-2 months during peak season).

3. Check for Power Issues: Ensure your AC unit is receiving power. Check the circuit breaker panel and confirm the AC breaker hasn't tripped.

4. Look for Obstructions: Clear any debris around the outdoor unit, such as leaves, branches, or overgrown vegetation. This can restrict airflow and hinder performance.

5. Take Temporary Measures to Stay Cool: While waiting for repairs, take steps to stay cool and safe.

  1. Drink plenty of fluids, wear loose-fitting clothing, and spend time in air-conditioned public spaces like libraries or malls if necessary. 
  2. Be sure to close the curtains and blinds to your home. This will keep your space from heating up due to sunlight.
  3. For those who have a front and back door (or windows) and create a “wind tunnel” of sorts—this could be a good way to let some fresh air move through the house.

6. Consider Emergency AC Services: If the breakdown occurs during extreme heat and you have vulnerable individuals in your home (infants, elderly, etc.), consider calling for emergency AC services. Call Filterbuy and set up an emergency appointment.

Why Regular HVAC Maintenance is Critical for South Florida

There are many reasons to prioritize the care of your HVAC system. A non-functioning (or weak) air conditioning system can result in all kinds of health conditions due to a lack of temperature control in your home.

Health Risks Associated with A/C Failures

A functioning AC is crucial in South Florida's scorching heat. Beyond comfort, a broken AC poses significant health risks. Heatstroke, heat exhaustion, and cramps are major concerns, especially for vulnerable populations like infants, children, elders, and those with chronic illnesses.  Mold thrives in hot, humid conditions, and an AC failure can worsen allergies, asthma, and respiratory problems. Dehydration from excessive sweating and disrupted sleep quality due to discomfort further highlight the importance of a well-maintained AC system.

With all of these concerns in mind, it’s easy to see why so many people in South Florida get stressed out about the possibility of their HVAC breaking.

Annual HVAC Maintenance: Key to Preventing Breakdowns

For people living in South Florida, it is recommended that they have their HVAC systems maintained at least once a year.

By setting up an appointment with Filterbuy, you can entrust that your system is in good hands. Set up an appointment today and you can breathe easy, knowing your HVAC is under expert care.

Need AC repair? Click here
